Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Birth of a Blog and a Quote Book

So, first entry. What can I say! Excitement? I really don't even know how a blog works but what is life without something new. With summer coming to a close and school riding up around the corner, trying something new felt like the right thing to do. I could never keep a journal so maybe a blog might be the right way for me to organize my life and paint a picture.

Also in the midst of starting something new, I had the idea of starting and keeping a quote book/journal. There is just a gorgeous little notebook my grand-aunt gave me one Christmas and I've never had a reason to fill it up. Now it is to have a purpose! What better way to enjoy a notebook and not let it lie in waste then to fill it up with my favorite lines and quotes from books and people! I am such an avid reader and sometimes one line in a book can just haunt me forever and ring in my head. Those lines are like the jewels of literature. The book is the pit and you have to dig to find and retrieve those shining lines that are deep with meaning.
The Notebook! Just admire that gorgeous cover! I love paperblank's notebooks. They always have a great texture to their covers and the craftsmanship of them are wonderful. They even have a little folder built in the back cover (I can tuck little papers with quotes on them inside!) .

The inside of the notebook. It's so blank I'm afraid I'll ruin its its perfection with my handwriting. 
I might as well reveal the first quote I am to write in since I am sharing my excitement of starting this journal.

"It wouldn't do for us to have all our dreams fulfilled. We would be as good as dead if we had nothing left to dream about."
-Anne ~ Anne of the Island by L.M.Montgomery

This quote appeals so deeply to me with its truth and its melancholy tone. I feel it is something that would inspire one when he/she fails, as a reminder of the purpose of dreams, which is to keep us going and to give us a reason to live. Plus its from one of my favorite classics of all time. I have to say that the romance in old novels are sometimes so much deeper with their quiet and few romantic lines than all that sappy stuff they feed us nowadays steeped in romance, not that they aren't good. They just lack in that sentimental tone. I will further discuss this in another entry cause I could just rant forever. 

More stuff (and honorable quote mentions :D ) to come! Bye till next entry! 

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