Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Miracle : The Iron Traitor- Julie Kawaga

So excited! I am procrastinating on my AP world notes to write this but this news is too exciting not to document. The greatest miracle in the world happened today when I somehow was given an Advance Uncorrected Proof copy of The Iron Traitor by Julie Kawaga. It was like all of a sudden the literary gods decided to bless me with the greatest happiness in the world possible.

I have been a fan of Julie Kawaga ever since I began her Iron Fey book series. It is the perfect, ideal picture of everything one looks for in a piece of good teen literature when one is taking a break from the unholy classics one has to read in English class.

Anyways, I am really excited to read it and post a review about it as I have been craving this book since the day The Iron Prince first came out. I am currently crossing my fingers that Ash and Megan show up more in this book, along with Puck, because I just fell in love with them in The Iron Fey series. I know this book is supposed to focus more on Ethan and friends but I really hope they make an appearance... fingers crossed!

I will probably finish consuming the book and review it in a week or so. I cannot say it enough but I am so excited!

BTW: it comes out officially on October 19, 2013
My lovely not yet for sale book on my AP Euro book. It looks so tempting.

* This series hasn't been as great as her previous one I hope this book turns my opinion around and makes it just as wonderful. I really want to love it!