The End of a Vain Attempt
So I watch the dawn rise through the pane,
what is there really in the world left to see.
I've wasted and thrown my life for not but pain,
in hopes of finding my soul's true key.
I ran the gauntlet in attempt to run,
to be the gleam I thought myself to be
But the puppeteer always holds the string and runs
the fun
and I the puppet could soon no longer see.
As now all is wasted, torn and in vain.
Hope, the bastard born child left to die all alone.
I had thrown my life for naught but a game,
a gamble, a race from society's steady drone.
Now I am left living and breathing in musk,
Living in dreams where bastard born hope hadn't died
at last's dusk.
The Weight of a Guilty Shopper
The glitter, the wealth,
the attraction to shine,
held more dear at the
heart then any lover's promise.
So vain I am when
preening to be fine
that no matter the
forewarning I walk towards the darkness.
Such lowly sin resides
in my heart,
the weakness of my soul
for all that burns bright.
That though at most by
next season your beauty depart,
the weight of my longing
sinks with heavy might
How is it and how easily
I fell into sin,
I dig my grave with a grin
and my fine gems a shining.
And as waves of time lap
away to the din
my soul runs to greet the
merry reaper; together we go drinking.
My bones now are white
and they prod and gleam against time,
but yet my hands are still
reaching still reaching for all that is fine.