Monday, September 23, 2013

Sonnets, AKA more poetry

So sonnets this time... I was warned that there was to be a composition of a sonnet section on our test to I composed these two to prepare. I really like them and have put effort in inserting poetic devices all that jazz. I hope you all will find them enjoyable, perhaps even more so then my other two cause personally I do. :D

The End of a Vain Attempt

So I watch the dawn rise through the pane,
what is there really in the world left to see.
I've wasted and thrown my life for not but pain,
in hopes of finding my soul's true key.

I ran the gauntlet in attempt to run,
to be the gleam I thought myself to be
But the puppeteer always holds the string and runs the fun
and I the puppet could soon no longer see.

As now all is wasted, torn and in vain.
Hope, the bastard born child left to die all alone.
I had thrown my life for naught but a game,
a gamble, a race from society's steady drone.

Now I am left living and breathing in musk,
Living in dreams where bastard born hope hadn't died at last's dusk.

The Weight of a Guilty Shopper

The glitter, the wealth, the attraction to shine,
held more dear at the heart then any lover's promise.
So vain I am when preening to be fine
that no matter the forewarning I walk towards the darkness.

Such lowly sin resides in my heart,
the weakness of my soul for all that burns bright.
That though at most by next season your beauty depart,
the weight of my longing sinks with heavy might

How is it and how easily I fell into sin,
I dig my grave with a grin and my fine gems a shining.
And as waves of time lap away to the din
my soul runs to greet the merry reaper; together we go drinking.

My bones now are white and they prod and gleam against time,
but yet my hands are still reaching still reaching for all that is fine.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Poems for School

Yes, it has been a while and yes, this was indeed a school assignment but I felt it necessary to share some of the words I have put to paper. They are probably not the most wonderful things you'll ever read but I enjoy them and I hope you all find them enjoyable too.

To Exist

Does one live because he was born,
because he can, because he fears death.
Or does one live to see the sun,
to see its rays shine in the dawn.

Does one love because of love,
or really just of need.
Of selfish want of selfish need
of me of me of me.

So tell me now, what do you think
on human morals raw,
Of why we really do exist,
for good or bad cause. 

~ Personally this next one is my favorite because I put the most though into it. My new English teacher has put great emphasis of living to our trueselves and the conflicts in conformity. This poem does appeal to to those themes and I hope the message isn't too blatently obvious. Enjoy! 

A Piece of Paper

I hold a piece of paper
and put it to my ear.
I make a rip, a sliver, a tear.
What perfection have I ruined,
what beauty have I marred.
The once perfect square,
now harbors a jagged scar.

But yet what beauty have I crafted,
the song of rip and tear.
The sound of separation
Is music to my ears.

Is perfection really beauty, 
the pristine, blank white square?
An untouchable, alienated wonder,
an innocence held dear.

Or does beauty lie in tears,
in rips of jarring red?
Of wounds and of scars,
of experiences of the dead.

I now hold this square,
now ruined by a scar,
and stare and stare and stare
to fix or to discard.

In sudden revelations,
my thoughts in all a blur,
my pen is raised and makes a mark
right along the scar.

Then all sane thoughts forgotten,
my hands make rips and tears,
my pen becomes a sword
slashing ink and blood.

I look down at my paper,
a mess, a piece of trash,
I smooth it out and wonder
as I stare I stare I stare.

~ Are we not like clean sheets of copy paper? We are all the same in till we try to make something different of ourselves and even then, are we truly different?